Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Change and Flexibility

"They must change often, who would be constant in happiness." (Confucius)
I have recently become a den leader for Cub Scouts and a fitness merit badge counselor for Boy Scouts. When I mention that to anyone they smile (smirk?). It must be obvious that I am not a natural choice. The den leader thing might be a stretch but I was impressed with the Boy Scout information and requirements for the merit badge. It is current and consistent with latest in fitness information. Your 12 year scout knows or will learn the four components of fitness. Do you know them?

Here they are:
Cardiorespiratory (think heart, lungs, treadmill)
Strength (think weight training, bulging biceps)
Body mass (think body fat percentage, scales, diets)
Flexibility (think "I don't have time for that!")

Now guess which one is the most neglected. I know I tipped you off but it is flexibility. I am as guilty as anyone about stretching. Too often I workout for 60 minutes, and stretch for five, if at all. Even with my clients I am far too lax about the flexibility. When we do strength training correctly it can improve flexibility but that is not enough. Typical stretching routines are good but do you know what is really good? YOGA! Yoga has been perfected for 5,000 years. Look at these benefits of yoga:

Physiological Benefits of Yoga
■Stable autonomic nervous system equilibrium
■Pulse rate decreases
■Respiratory rate decreases
■Blood Pressure decreases (of special significance for hyporeactors)
■Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) increases
■EEG - alpha waves increase (theta, delta, and beta waves also increase during various stages of meditation)
■EMG activity decreases
■Cardiovascular efficiency increases
■Respiratory efficiency increases
■Gastrointestinal function normalizes
■Endocrine function normalizes
■Excretory functions improve
■Musculoskeletal flexibility and joint range of motion increase
■Breath-holding time increases
■Joint range of motion increase
■Grip strength increases
■Eye-hand coordination improves
■Dexterity skills improve
■Reaction time improves
■Posture improves
■Strength and resiliency increase
■Endurance increases
■Energy level increases
■Weight normalizes
■Sleep improves
■Immunity increases
■Pain decreases
■Steadiness improves
■Depth perception improves
■Balance improves
■Integrated functioning of body parts improves

Psychological Benefits of Yoga
■Somatic and kinesthetic awareness increase
■Mood improves and subjective well-being increases
■Self-acceptance and self-actualization increase
■Social adjustment increases
■Anxiety and Depression decrease
■Hostility decreases
■Concentration improves
■Memory improves
■Attention improves
■Learning efficiency improves
■Mood improves
■Self-actualization increase
■Social skills increases
■Well-being increases
■Somatic and kinesthetic awareness increase
■Self-acceptance increase
■Attention improves
■Concentration improves
■Memory improves
■Learning efficiency improves
■Symbol coding improves
■Depth perception improves
■Flicker fusion frequency improves (whatever that is)

Biochemical Benefits of Yoga
■Glucose decreases
■Sodium decreases
■Total cholesterol decreases
■Triglycerides decrease
■Cholinesterase increases
■Catecholamines decrease
■ATPase increases
■Hematocrit increases
■Hemoglobin increases
■Lymphocyte count increases
■Total white blood cell count decreases
■Thyroxin increases
■Vitamin C increases
■Total serum protein increases
(Contributed by: www.cyberastro.com and www.movingintostillness.com.)

It is yoga that has kept me mobile and agile. Whether standard stretching or yoga everyone can improve their flexibility. When we have good flexibility we move with more grace, look younger, and it's easier to put our socks on! Perhaps in some way it helps when we are asked to do something outside our comfort zone, like be a den leader for eight year olds.

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius,
power and magic in it. Begin it now. " (Goethe)

Note: (because I believe this is important I have added a yoga based stretching class Tuesdays @ 7pm. Cost is $5 a class. No need to sign up in advance just come. I will do this as long as their is interest.)

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