Wednesday, September 1, 2010

If Diets Don't Work Why Is My Friend Losing Weight?

Everyone says diets don't work and yet they are ubiquitous.  It seems that every other person you know is dieting and the book stores always have a new program on display.   Let me tell you why they don't work and offer an easier alternative.   First let's be clear.  In this context diet means restricting of calories usually according to some prescribed program and often promoting a product you must buy.

Main Reason Diets Don't Work:  Going without enough food is like holding your breath under water.  No matter how strong your will, eventually you will surface and breath in all you can.  It is a biological and physiological response but a dieter blames themselves for not being stronger.  They end up feeling like they have failed (again), and their self-esteem takes a beating when actually they have done a very difficult thing! We are designed to eat, and when you fight Mother Nature you will always lose!

Contributing Problem:  About 1/4 of the weight you lose will be muscle.  Maybe more if you aren't exercising.  To make matters worse your body goes into a survival mode so it needs less to sustain itself.  All this means lowered metabolism which means need fewer calories to survive.  Now it is harder than ever to keep the pounds off.

Solution:  Eat.  I know it seems counter-intuitive but the solution is to eat and eat often.  Skip counting calories.  EAT SIX SMALL MEALS A DAY.  Real food rather than meal replacement products.  Balance carbohydrates like vegetable, fruits, beans and a little grain with a protein at every meal.  Bill Phillips suggests your protein be the size of your palm and the carbs the size of your fist.  Don't worry too much about the fats as long as they are good fats but please skip the added sugar.  Add short, high intensity workouts (HIIT) and make sure you are doing some muscle building workouts a few times a week.  Maybe try our boot camps.  They are the most time efficient way to get the best workout for fat loss.

Final Note:  On this program you lose weight and you are never hungry.  You reduce your chances of every bad health risk from the common cold to cancer, from hypertension to tension and depression.  It takes a little longer but the change is permanent and healthy and so much easier than a diet!

for more on this topic see:
"Eat To Lose Weight"

"Take A HIIT or What Is  a BootCamp"

Fast food is not just about calories.

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